Our services
How do you want to engage and work with us - some partnership examples ...
We are happy to either take on full projects at a fixed price or supply resources to day rates to meet the agreed objectives and requirements. We are experienced and happy to work with you to:
perform overall solutions architecture and business process analysis to assess and develop an improvements strategy;
create a business case to inform and influence a board where investment is needed and would develop this into a a set of project strategies and plans to execute to;
form a scaled up implementation and governance team and work commercially with partners to implement full enterprise solutions covering many software layers, hosting services and tool-sets. We are happy to oversee and manage the hardware or hosting services required to run business applications. We have experience with managing and dealing with companies such as Oracle OCI, Amazon AWS, MS Azure etc. on Cloud solutions;
engage and govern larger consultancy partners if required to add next level capacity, resourcing and risk management but with the day-to-day detailed and user-friendly service that we provide still being maintained. We are good at taking the pain away and interpreting between business objectives and systems solutions.
We are also happy to join you to salvage ailing projects to move to efficient cost-effective deliveries aligned to business goals.
For the smaller and SME size organisations or departments, we are happy to pick up flexible work packages to either help with your strategic direction, efficiency drives or enhancement to existing teams in the various project delivery phases. We all know that sometimes delivery can either get away from us with complex competing strategies and budgets and additional expertise and sets of hands can step in and make a real difference. We are happy to help in:
test management,
environment, configuration and release management
cutover and transition phase work
design and development
COTS systems configuration or re-configuration of previously badly designed solutions
business process re-engineering
train-the-trainer or learning management
add management/delivery governance or conduct solution health-checks
As you can see we are happy to have a casual chat about any of your aspirations or problems and help you with a way forward; you will be surprised in the passion and interest we have...
We have experience in working in small and large 'green-field' implementations and are adept at managing and executing the project initiation, design, build, test, transition and hyper-care phases with the various teams needed to deliver to the size and complexity needed.
Enterprise Solutions Partner Limited
Little Waltham Essex Company No. 14493187 VAT Reg. No. 430179516